Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way"

This quotation from Thomas Paine has even more significance today than when it was first uttered or penned. We have a crisis in leadership today, in the world and most certainly within the church. The modern teachings of evolutionary thought have trained students and now adults that whatever is best for me is okay,and I must look out for myself over weaker individuals, it is taught as just a law of nature. This thinking, coupled with the social pressures to not make a clear distinction between a persons right to live a life pleasing to them, no matter the consequences to society, have led to anarchist behaviors that cannot be sustained within the political structure or church structure. A generation lost and feeling very confident and well about wandering around with no clear vision or structure. It is a disaster waiting to happen.

Will there be someone who will stand up in a time of crisis and say, "The Emperor has no clothes"? Young Christians must be taught,they must have understanding of the ways of Christ, the codes of conduct that are acceptable, and those leading to destruction. Christian families must be taught how to communicate,with the Lord and with each other. We must consider those weaker among us as preferred above ourselves, this is the humility of our Savior. A humble life must be lived by the Christian or a Christian life is not lived at all. We must love others enough to tell the truth, or it is not true love at all. This is not to say we have a license to be disrespectful, but rather truthful in love. We all need to bend our knees and ask for forgiveness from our heavenly Father and guidance for the future. The days ahead will continue to be a struggle for the Christian, but we must not become weary or quit. Have you had a crisis? Have you found yourself in an impossible situation,whether a result of moral failing or prideful choices? You are not alone, there is one that is stirring up a cauldron of  trouble and sorrow for those marked by Christ, but we must not forget the word,"Pantokrater". (the absolute and universal sovereign) He is not sleeping, nor is He not paying attention. These sorrows are here for a fulfillment, the days will be shortened, but we must remain watchful and patient. We may have peace because we know the author of peace. Rise up and lead, or follow a Godly leader, or get out of the way.

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