Thursday, August 5, 2010

Keeping Your Ministry Rightly Focused

There are many "Ministries" in this world and a few of them are effective in reaching the lost for Christ. Others, while maybe starting in the Spirit of God and good intentions, are quite ineffective in spreading the gospel message. There cannot be a schism between the message of salvation and healing. The entirety of the gospel must begin with the salvation message. The Lord wants a people He can work through, a people dedicated to following Him in humility and compassion. We must be a people that live for Him and yes, die for Him. By dying I am not necessarily speaking of a physical death, but a death to my ways of living, resurrected with His ways. I must surrender my life and take on His life. A cross for me and a cross for you. We find Him at the place of death ( death to self, death to pride, death to rebellion), and follow Him to a resurrected place of life. The mixing of worldliness and true Christianity is a poisonous activity. It leads to dead plans and activities, programs that lead to where? Numbers of attendees, do not always lead to increased wheat in the seats, you may be building a fertile ground for tares to grow quite comfortably.

It all begins with compromise, a self-review is critical in these perilous times for the Christian, and their ministries. Each day a prayerful review must be held with the Father of Life to determine the way forward. Of course, we know Moses spent much time in communication with the Lord for guidance and direction, even getting some godly advice from Jethro, the Lord speaking through his fellows. I also must remind those of you that are suspect of anything from the old testament that Jesus, himself while limited in His earthly body, communed with the Father for direction and guidance for His earthly ministry. He considered not His own will, but the Father's, humbling Himself not according to His own fleshly desires, but the Father's. In this way, He learned obedience to the Father and was able to fulfill the redemption for all mankind, to whomsoever will accept it with humility and death(to self). This is a mystery to those not born of the cross, but to you it is wisdom for a fulfilled life.

Hebrews 5:8-10

8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, 10 called by God as High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek,”

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