Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Christian Conduct

"I'm Free", "I'm Free, Carol proclaimed. She had just accepted and invitation to come down front and give her life to the Lord, she prayed and what a glorious day of rejoicing it was, there were enough tears to flow a river from her mother and sisters, who had been praying for her to be delivered from drugs and sex and the abusive lifestyle she was living. The Pastor who prayed with Carol told her to start reading her bible everyday, and have some time in prayer and meditation each day as well, and be sure to stay in fellowship with believers. He prayed with Carol to receive the Holy Spirit and she "prayed a little in the Spirit". She was set free indeed, or so it seemed. It was a few weeks later when Carol was found dead from an overdose of heroin, the needle still in her arm. What happened to Carol? Why had this tragedy occurred only weeks after being set free from her bondage. The Pastor consoled the family and congregation with the assurance of her salvation at the funeral, but there was still an empty feeling inside, what could have been done to prevent such a tragedy?

I believe there are some answers to such a situation as this, but the answers aren't quick or easy. A life such as Carol's must be placed in a strong environment of faith. A place where Jesus is not just given lip service, but where lives are challenged to live for Christ, such a life must be strengthened by strong mentors and great emphasis on the teaching of the principles of the 10 commandments, realizing that we not under the curse of the law, but we are still to abide by it's principles. Jesus reduced them to two, very interestingly, into a concept that involves the heart. If we humble ourselves and Love the Lord with ALL of our heart we will want to follow these concepts. If we find ourselves not meeting these standards, we must quickly repent and not linger in guilt, but there must be a correction of the problem that caused the failure, what a blessed tool we have in the Holy Spirit to help us through these difficult changes in our life. Sin does not leave us alone when we are born again, in fact, the struggle has just started. When we were once in Sin's domain, there was no struggle, after salvation, the great battle for our soul begins. It is not just a good idea to renew our minds through reading the Word of God, it is imperative for our ability to overcome the snares of this life.

Are we prepared to help such a person as Carol? Is our congregation established in such a way, as to encourage spiritual growth and a hatred for Sin and it's effect, or are we a tolerate people, very happy in our enlightened understanding that we are not under the law, sin is not treated as something to guard against, in fact, it is not even considered a problem anymore. There is a concept of love that is foreign to the doctrines of Christianity. We quote the scripture,"Love covers a multitude of sins", and take that to mean we should overlook sin in our midst. We make a mockery of Christ's atonement with such a belief. Yes, we must Love each other, even our enemies, but true love is not pretending there are no problems. Remember what is written in Hebrews 12:5-6 :
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:
“ My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”
True Love means we, as loving brothers and sisters in Christ, will help each other through the difficult burdens until each life is strong enough to face the onslaught of the enemy. We play right into Satan's hands when we don't strengthen each other through love. This must be done in the balance of the Lord, as our entire walk must also be.

I pray your congregation is established on the understanding of the importance how a Christian must love the things of God more than compromising with the world.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Revised comment: 8:11 a.m.

Good Word! We would have stronger and healthier churches if we would follow the truths in your blog.

It's a tragedy that so many fall by the wayside today, because of the compromise that has been allowed to come in by the pastors and leaders!

It's time to weep and repent and come back to God's Word, so that the True Love of God may work in the Body of Christ!

Jesus Christ is greater than any needle! Any bottle! Or another other work of the flesh! When we are truly led to the Cross by the Holy Spirit! We find at the Cross, we are crucified with Christ! It's a tragedy that Carol didn't know this truth! Jesus said: I am come that they might have life!

It's getting late!