Hate is a powerful emotion, it can cause an entire people to be destroyed. It has ruined more people than any other emotion, I believe. War is caused from hate, many murders, divorces and gossip, there are many destructive qualities of hate. There is religion based on hate. Hatred for others different than our group.
In the world, there is but one good hatred that is very,very productive, a hatred of sin. Isn't it ironic that the thing to be hated the most in this world, is loved the most by many. The bible tells us that God hates sin if we are His children shouldn't we hate sin as well? Unfortunately,in most cases I would say we love our pet sins, we want to allow them to come out and play at certain times, then put them back in place when it's time to go see the Lord or Godly people. The problem with that is, playing with sin will always bring about a death to something else, such as a clear conscious, and creating depravity of mind and uncleanness.(Romans 1:24)
There used to be a gift of good conscious in the world, so that even when we were young people would say," Let your conscious be your guide." That can no longer be said. Today, due to our tolerance of sin in our lives and corporately, we don't have a reliable conscious anymore. Our consciousness of sin has been done away in the social and governmental systems and severely twisted in the Church, by very many. There does remain a remnant, but doctrines of demons has confused many as to the seriousness of not only dwelling in sin, but playing with it until it is a regular practice in the Christians life. This is no surprise, for there is an adversary that is busy at work to destroy any vestiges of a Godly life and virtue in society.
We don't have to continue in sin though, there is one who came to deliver us from all these sins that do so easily beset us (set us on the side of the ever moving timeline of salvation). My prayer is for all of us that call ourselves Christians, will not only talk about living a Godly life, but actually live one. It is mostly a heart problem, when we think we, "know more than God", or "better for me than God", we become our own gods, thus place our life in our control, only we don't control anything really, we are being controlled by spiritual forces when living in such rebellion, our minds blinded by darkness. There is another more insidious deception of sin and that is one in which we believe we have the answers to living a powerful life, pridefully boasting of our strength in the Lord always leads to a downfall and spiral. Satan will lift these up and let the fall in disgrace. We must walk softly with our Lord, working out our salvation in fear and trembling, keeping short accounts with sinful behaviors and thoughts, seeing our lives in the reality of the light of God's most holy word.
1 Timothy 4- 1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,
1 John 1-9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
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